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Let's build our dream projects together
Welcome to GIW! Here are the links (and will update regularly) - Presentation Slides Day 01 Slide: Introduction and HTML Day 02 Slide: CSS VSCode...
Blog articles that I...
We don't use ::before and ::after much. But with these use cases, they are pretty handy. I created this pen on CodePen to visualize...
First, go to https://myaccount.google.com/. Click the 'Security' tab On the page, scroll down till you see "Sign in with other sites" Click...
Browserမှာ web addressတစ်ခုကို typeပြီးဝင်လိုက်ရင် ရှေ့ကနေ http:// (or) https:// တစ်ခုခု အလိုလိုထည့်ပေးသွားတာ သတိထားမိမှာပါ။ ဒါဘာလဲ၊ web pageတစ်ခုမှာ...
Outline Modern JavaScript ✅ ECMASCRIPT, TC39, and the standardization process ✅ Variable Declarations (var vs let vs const) ✅ Object and Array...