Modern JavaScript
- ✅ ECMASCRIPT, TC39, and the standardization process
- ✅ Variable Declarations (var vs let vs const)
- ✅ Object and Array destructuring
- ✅ Shorthand properties and method names
- ✅ Computed Property Names
- ✅ Template Literals
- ✅ Arrow Functions
- ✅ Default Parameters
- ✅ Compiling vs Polyfills with Babel
- ✅ Callbacks, promises, async/await
- ✅ Guide to JavaScript's prototype (and ES6 Classes)
- ✅ IIFES to CommonJS to ES6 modules
- Private and public class fields
How JavaScript works under the hood (Advanced)
- ✅ Execution Contexts, Hoisting, Scopes, and Closures
- ✅ Understanding the this keyword with implicit, explicit, new, lexical, window bindings
- ✅ The JavaScript Event Loop
- JavaScript Inheritance and the Prototype Chain
- JavaScript Composition vs Inheritance